Why not vent here because I'm sure someone else can relate.
* Pollen is wide spread through the air and now I resort in needing Claritin-D or else I can't walk out my door without puffy eyes and sneezing up a storm.
* With pollen, there has to be bees! Mr. Bee, why are you coming down my chimney instead of Santa Claus? So now what? Either I finally fix the chimney by getting the flute fixed and buying the missing gas fireplace insert piece or hire a bee exterminator. *Sigh*
* As we approach Summer and 100 degree weather, the A/C unit decides not to work for no apparent reason. *Double Sigh*
* Since we're on the topic nature, it's time to get the doggy boys fixed if I even want to live out any dreams on my bucket list.
So with Spring here, it looks like my money has decided to "spring" out of my wallet instead of my piggy bank. At least I can breath right?