Monday, November 22, 2010


Monday, November 22, 2010 0
So B&N decided to come out with NookColor...great. About time! For the longest time, I had customers come up to me and ask me point blank if a color version was ever going to come out. I feel like embarrassed and a liar. Corporate hide the release so well that it was just a completely shocker to us all. It was released on a Tuesday no less. What a random day of the week to launch a new device.

Don't get me wrong; the NookColor is extremely awesome. Sure there's the pros and cons about each device but it does depend on what type of reader are you: Magazines or books? Day or night reader? I read for leisure so its always daylight and for long periods of time. I think I will definitely buy the NookColor if it came out with 3g too. I definitely would get it then because I love having the option to buy more books since I'm a series reader.

Also, the new covers for the Nook look so neat! Finally, they got rid of the straps and insert. Hello - it does work with clips like the industrial cover. Someone of the new covers now incorporate the ideas of traveling so there's ones with pockets and zippers for the charging cable. If only the price would drop a bit. Like $20 is more reasonable for a normal book cover style. 

The new software upgrade, 1.5, isn't all that fantastic. adding Pandora would have been better. The Nook is android based if they forgotten. Also, I really don't notice the different in page turning. I hope in the future they will drop the price of ebooks as well as offer more LendMe books.
Well, got to learn all about the NookColor as well as sell the original Nook or what kind of sells man would I be? This is my take on being a NookSeller in Southern Cali. More to rant about later.
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