Thursday, April 29, 2010

I got a JOB!

Thursday, April 29, 2010 0
Yes, finally I have succeeded in landing a job! Apparently, I was suppose to start yesterday but a miscommunication with the assistant store manager which she said she was going to call me Tuesday after checking my references and give me a confirmation which may be Wednesday...well I didn't get that call on Tuesday so I thought something happened. But anywho, Friday is the day! Sure it's not anything near what I'm use to do but it's a change that I look forward to.

Though I must say, I like having the free time to run the errands that I haven't been able to accomplish. Also, I'm jealous that Liz dyed her hair purple. That is so awesome! She makes a point that she's not going to get a job anything soon so why not do something extreme with her hair. But speaking of hair, I think it's time to get a haircut before I start working.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All about the interviews...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 0
Landing interviews seems to not be an issue with my background and experience in today's job market, but the issue I seem to have is getting those companies to hand me offers. What do I ideal want from a job? A secure, challenging, fact-pace, and fun work environment with friend people. What industry or what role they want me to perform, I don't care. I know I will grow into that profession as long as the environment fosters that growth. Sometime I wonder how company's have such testy and rude individuals as key employees. I guess if they make the company money, who cares if they're douches.

This afternoon, I'm to get a phone call for my first job offer since being on the job a nook sales rep. I have to say this job sounds awesome! I am really excited because it's 1) different 2) the environment and 3) I'm surrounded by books all day! I love reading all genres of literature and the schedule they have setup is flexible with my life style. Sure this job is no way near HR or IS or whatever makes top dollar but change is good right now especially with what is going to happen throughout the rest of the year.

Looking forward to today's phone call, getting our certification that our backyard is a Wildlife Habitat, and testing my RoadID on today's run. Right now, it's time to munch and take more photos of my botanical garden.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trying to replace me

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 0
Still unemployed, going for interviews and still trying to get into that 9am Spin class at 24hr fitness...I just learned my old company has find my replacement. When I had lunch with a co-worker, I recalled they were trying to find males instead and what'da know it...they hired a girl instead...and Asian none the less. How funny. I had a feeling my good o' boss would hire someone kinda like me but it still ain't me!

Am I mad they find a replacement? No. Am I mad that I don't have a job? Not really. I must say, I kinda enjoy not having to get dress up and dread going into a cubicle. I still wake up 6 in the morning and hit the hay by 10 but it's because I like this lifestyle. Well, there's no good just sitting here in front of the computer all day. Did my share of applying to jobs, now its time to get a good run in before the rain.

Crossing my fingers that I get drawn for the Nike Women's Marathon. Hope for me too!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When too much does you no Good

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 0
I've extensively over worked my core that I need to take a rest day from the gym. Boo! I hoped to go to yoga class at 9am at 24hr Fitness but anything crunch related might just break me in half. Still plan to do my daily run around the lake but in the mean time I'm bored mentally.

Tending to the dogs and rabbits isn't rocket science. There are several fun moments as for example playing referee between them sharing the water bucket (and yes its a real bucket) because only one head fits at a time. On top of today's set back my camera is also broken. This was only discovered when I thought 'Why not take some pictures to pass the time this morning.' So I guess I would be using that Costco coupon for a new camera. Does anyone else hate Casio as much as I do right now?! Which camera takes great real live photos? Is 12mpex the next highest consumer camera out there?

Enough ranting...I think I'll just pop back on the net and research some camera and some deals.

Monday, April 12, 2010

You Better Run!

Monday, April 12, 2010 0
A little birdie keeps pecking at me that since I have all this free time, I better run everyday because once I do work, I can't enjoy a run. Makes sense...So since April 1st, I have logged 18 miles. Pitiful! Gotta ramp it up because got a the OC half marathon coming May 2nd. I'm so excited...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life of the Unemployed

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 0
Being unemployed for over a month is very enlightening. Meaning, I'm able to evaluate what I want and don't want to do with my life. So why not blog about it since I have all this free time on my hands.

Working at "corporate" made me realize that I should love what I do both at work and in my personal life. At first I felt I was on top of the world then things started changing and it seemed to just pass me by. My expertise is in human resources and, yes, I went to school for it, I enjoy being that connection between people and policy. This correlation can be seen with the public anarchy vs government tyranny, republican vs democrats, and even boys vs girls. I tend to think of myself as that "vs" and have both sides come to common understanding.

Having that balance, I'm not translating that into my own life and doing everything to keep myself busy. I use the net as an avenue to express my challenges and views on things that come my way. Seeing that of others blog and communicate via the net as oppose to picking up the phone, why not blast it out there. If someone like Perez Hilton gets tons of readers to see what's goes on his mind, I would think someone out there would benefit from mine.

As of right now, getting a job is a major priority because we all have to have a means to pay the bills. Right now, I'm going to go enjoy a day at the San Diego Zoo with the family since it is such a beautiful day today. I'm just going to take it all in...
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