Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All about the interviews...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Landing interviews seems to not be an issue with my background and experience in today's job market, but the issue I seem to have is getting those companies to hand me offers. What do I ideal want from a job? A secure, challenging, fact-pace, and fun work environment with friend people. What industry or what role they want me to perform, I don't care. I know I will grow into that profession as long as the environment fosters that growth. Sometime I wonder how company's have such testy and rude individuals as key employees. I guess if they make the company money, who cares if they're douches.

This afternoon, I'm to get a phone call for my first job offer since being on the job market...as a nook sales rep. I have to say this job sounds awesome! I am really excited because it's 1) different 2) the environment and 3) I'm surrounded by books all day! I love reading all genres of literature and the schedule they have setup is flexible with my life style. Sure this job is no way near HR or IS or whatever makes top dollar but change is good right now especially with what is going to happen throughout the rest of the year.

Looking forward to today's phone call, getting our certification that our backyard is a Wildlife Habitat, and testing my RoadID on today's run. Right now, it's time to munch and take more photos of my botanical garden.


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