Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trying to replace me

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Still unemployed, going for interviews and still trying to get into that 9am Spin class at 24hr fitness...I just learned my old company has find my replacement. When I had lunch with a co-worker, I recalled they were trying to find males instead and what'da know it...they hired a girl instead...and Asian none the less. How funny. I had a feeling my good o' boss would hire someone kinda like me but it still ain't me!

Am I mad they find a replacement? No. Am I mad that I don't have a job? Not really. I must say, I kinda enjoy not having to get dress up and dread going into a cubicle. I still wake up 6 in the morning and hit the hay by 10 but it's because I like this lifestyle. Well, there's no good just sitting here in front of the computer all day. Did my share of applying to jobs, now its time to get a good run in before the rain.

Crossing my fingers that I get drawn for the Nike Women's Marathon. Hope for me too!


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