Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I got a JOB!...#2

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So maybe I am crazy but I accepted another job offer! This one will pay me close (shy of $3) of what I use to make where working at B&N, I'm not even paid half. Lucky, B&N is flexible and I told them the very first day about possible getting this job. Background checks are such a long and stressful process which is why it took so long for me to get an offer. This job isn't permanent but having the company on my resume looks good. Besides I enjoy working at B&N and the interaction with people.

Right now my schedule kinda sucks because I can't get a good run in or get to the gym. Standing all day, 8 hours straight, my pies (feet) hurt. Now, they aren't hurting too bad but my heels are still sore like I ran a full marathon. Try having that feeling and then having to do it again the next day. If only those little croc creatures from the commercial were real to massage my feet. Oh, that would be lovely.


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