The Nook sales for $259 and there is an extended "protection plan" for $70 for 2 years but it is not on top of the 1 year manufacture warranty that comes with it. So passed on the extra insurance since I will be very careful with it and didn't want him to spend more than he needed. Plus side, if something doesn't work out with this or I simply don't like it anymore, I can return it within 60 days with my gift receipt. I could also just go into the store and get assistance that way. I love Barnes & Noble.
Price for ebooks are relatively cheaper than purchasing books and I don't need to worried about what do I do with the book once I'm finished with it. I'm also one of those reader that enjoys good literature on the can so this is much lighter than a hardcover book. Plus there are two games on it now; Chess and Sudoku. I'm no good at Chess so I enjoy Sudoku but if I don't like that either, I can go on the web...yes the web. I wouldn't be watching Youtube or anything but if I want to go on Facebook or check my email, it's right there at my fingertips.
So I'm still adding my own screen savers and wallpapers which I'm uploading on under KrysP. Check it and and if you are thinking of getting an e-reader, I highly recommend the Nook. If you want a free demo go to the B&N in Aliso Viejo. Read on!
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